Prima magazine likes ‘For every day’

Joanna Scott-Lutyens BA (Hons) DipION

If you are worried about your health, the upcoming cold and sniffles season, or just have some strange symptoms you are not sure about, check out this October’s Prima magazine.

prima magazine front cover

Prima magazine recommends 'For every day' for boosting immunity

As a nutritional therapist, I really enjoyed reading this article on ‘What’s your body trying to tell you?’. The author talks about how all those little niggles we suffer from – cold sores, fidgety legs, or bloating – may all be a sign of nutritional deficiencies or imbalances. Listening to these and acting on them can make us feel a whole lot healthier. Of course, we are very chuffed to have our ‘For every day’ mentioned in this article.

for every day

As we fast approach autumn, our immune system will be under pressure and nurturing our well-being is advisable. It’s not unusual to come down with a post-summer cold but if you are struggling to shake it off, it could be a sign that you are low in certain nutrients.

As the article’s author and naturopath Nick Hay says if you can’t shake your cold,

‘….you're probably low on vitamin C and zinc, and your immunity is on the fritz. You know the drill - it's time to build yourself up ready to face the winter’

He recommends...

'....Everyone should take one daily. Immunity starts in the gut, and happy gut flora means a boosted immune system.' try Optibac For Every Day’.

Other magazines have liked us for immunity too. Have a read:

Optibac 'For every day' in Yours mag for immunity

'For daily immunity' in Glamour mag