Optibac featured in Bella magazine

Jacob Collyer-Smith Lifestyle Writer

Bella magazine has featured Optibac For women in their latest issue (#52). Flick through to the 'Your health' section to see 'For women' recommended. Bella magazine wrote:

bella magazine cover page

"We all know prebiotics help produce and balance good bacteria in the gut, but now there are live cultures to help maintain vaginal health. You might think this is another product you really don't need, but if you suffer from thrush, cystitis, UTIs (urinary tract infections) or bacterial vaginosis, you may well do. Our cystitis-prone tester tried them and said Optibac For women seemed to help her."

Bellissima Bella! We couldn't have said it better ourselves. This week the 'Your health' section also discusses food dehydrating, a teeth whitening toothbrush, as well as some of our favourite fermented foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut and kefir milk and their possible benefits for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

We've had a great spurt of press mentions and recommendations in recent days! Ian Marber, of The Food Doctor fame, also wrote about us in The Telegraph recently and how probiotics may help our digestion during all the Christmas indulgences.

Probiotics and vaginal health has featured quite prominently in the press in recent months, and we couldn't be more thrilled about the exposure. Head over to the Probiotics Learning Lab for some more reading: