Daily Mail spotlight 'One week flat'

Elisha Iveson Lifestyle Writer

Summer: three months filled with ice lollies, scorching weather (thanks UK heatwave!) and the official season for swimwear. But what if, deep down, you're panicking about getting in a bikini for a day at the beach? Well first of all, we're here to tell you that you look bloomin' GREAT! But if you need a little more encouragement, then there's the Daily Mail's 'Can you cheat your way to a toned tummy?' article which features our very own 'One week flat' friendly bacteria supplement...

Optibac 'one week flat'

'One week flat' brings balance to your week

In the article written by Alice Smellie, sports medicine expert Colin Crosby trials various gadgets and treatments to see if you can achieve a flat stomach without the hundreds of sit-ups. *Spoiler* Colin recommends some good, old-fashioned fitness for best results, but here's what he did say about 'One week flat':

"Probiotics that boost healthy gut bacteria and improve digestion. This reduces bloating, making your stomach look flatter."

Thanks for the shout-out Daily Mail! Optibac 'One week flat' is already a huge hit with bloggers and Youtubers - the sachets are a morning staple with Carly Rowena, Whitney Simmons and Rhitrition just to name a few. It's a short-term course of probiotics and is also gluten-free, so may be suitable for those with bloating.

Want to learn more about Optibac 'One week flat'? Have a read of these blog posts:

Carly Rowena loves Optibac

Natural Health recommends Optibac 'One week flat'