Reuse and recycle!

Louise Mason BA Hons, Dip CNM Nutritional Therapist, Dip CNM Naturopath, mANP

Are you concerned about the impact of taking your trusted Optibac probiotics on the environment? There are a multitude of ways to reuse your Optibac jars and reduce the space in landfills. We also encourage you to make a difference by taking a just few moments of your time to recycle packaging.

Optibac already committed to this change long before this deadline!

In 2021, our product packaging had a makeover to ensure that our eco-conscious values were reflected on the outside as well as on the inside. We ditched plastic and opted for glass jars which are reusable and recyclable.

The jars can be reused in many creative ways. Our Nutrition Teams’ tips are:

  • Store your ‘pinches of Himalayan salt’ 
  • Keep dried herbs for cooking: oregano, rosemary, thyme
  • Put your earrings or jewellery in there 
  • Homemade face creams or lips balms work well
  • Other supplements for travel
  • Candles or even flower posies

Image of an optibac jar being recused

Even if you are out of ideas on how to reuse the jars, we remind you that you can recycle them rather than bin. Did you know that all our products come in FSC-approved recyclable cartons? This demonstrates our dedication to providing our customers with the most sustainable choices. If you are looking to make a sustainable choice when it comes to choosing your Optibac probiotics, then our range is a good option for you. 

However, if unfortunately, curb-side recycling isn’t available to you, you could consider taking your jars over to a bottle-bank. You could also see if one of your neighbours needed any extra jars. Our jars could be great to keep kids entertained after school by decorating them, even keeping some well-deserved treats for afterwards as an incentive!

Image of kids gummies product

Our Adult Gummies and Kids Gummies also come in home-compostable inner pouches. This makes both of these products completely plastic-free, just as the products that come in jars. Not only are you doing your part for the environment, but you can also help kids learn by guiding them to the compost bin. Most councils now offer food waste collection, but if they don’t, it’s simple and easy to start your own compost at home.

Image of making compost

It has never been more important to look after our environment and our health. We strive to provide our customers with the best choices possible for them and for our planet. The world could be a better place if we looked after our gut health whilst also caring for our environment. 

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