Conde Nast Traveller loves Optibac

Jacob Collyer-Smith Lifestyle Writer

Who doesn't love flicking through a travel magazine and dreaming of those white sand beaches? One of our favourite publications for this pastime is Condé Nast Traveller - the go-to mag for luxury travel - and a treasure trove of ideas for stunning holiday destinations. We're big fans, and it turns out that they're just as big a fan of us! Our 'Travel Abroad' supplement has been recommended in September's issue and we couldn't be happier to be featured as one of Condé Nast's 'six favourites for a healthy holiday'.

conde nast front cover

We were also really pleased to have been featured in their goody bags a little while ago...

'For travelling abroad' in goodie bag

Enjoy this? Read these:

Optibac featured in August Country & Townhouse magazine

Marie Claire likes Optibac 'For travelling abroad'

Our travel supplement in 'Country Living' magazine