Can I take Optibac if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?

Yes, most probiotics are completely safe to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding; however, there are some strains (types) of probiotic bacteria that have not been clinically trialled in women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, so we advise checking with a doctor before taking these. Read on for more information.

This is a question asked by many expectant mums. And the short answer is that probiotics such as acidophilus, are generally very safe to use, even at this most delicate time1,2. However, it is always worth checking with the relevant manufacturer, as there may be some exceptions.

Within this article:

Women breast feeding
Taking friendly bacteria whilst pregnant or breastfeeding is generally considered safe

Are all probiotics safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

We cannot speak for other manufacturers' products, but the large majority of our probiotic supplements are safe to take when pregnant or breastfeeding. Our product packaging features a ‘suitable in pregnancy’ logo to make it easy to see which ones are safe for you. However, there are two products where we do not include this logo on the packaging, and recommend you consult your doctor before taking them.

Saccharomyces boulardii

The probiotic strain Saccharomyces boulardii, which is used in two of our supplements: Saccharomyces Boulardii and Travel Abroad has not yet been trialled in pregnant or breastfeeding women.

As we always aim to make recommendations which are backed up with as much research as possible, we feel it’s best that pregnant & breastfeeding women take either of these products only under a doctor’s care.

Bacillus coagulans Unique IS-2

Our Kids Gummies and Gut Health Gummies products, which contain the strain Bacillus coagulans Unique IS-2, have not been tested in pregnant women and we therefore recommend to consult your doctor before taking these. 

Best probiotics to take during pregnancy?

The best probiotic to take during pregnancy is one that has been extensively researched in pregnant women, and therefore comes with an excellent safety profile for this group. The strains of bacteria used should ideally support both the health of the expectant mum, and also the health of her growing baby.

Pregnancy product
Optibac Pregnancy is suitable from conception through to post-birth

Pregnancy can be safely recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers who are looking for a probiotic supplement during this time. This three strain product supports both mum and baby, and has shown in human clinical trials to support mums mental wellbeing, gut health and vaginal health. Additionally, clinical trial results show that these three strains also support babies’ immune health through both the umbilical blood circulation, and later through the breast milk.

Once little one ‘arrives’ in the world, new mums often want to continue to support their development with a specific ‘baby probiotic’. If mum is breastfeeding Pregnancy remains a good option, as baby will get the probiotic benefits of what mum is taking through her breast milk.

For mums that are not breastfeeding, or if the child is a little bit older, the following two products are given directly to the infant:

Baby Drops comes in an easy-to-use flavourless liquid drop format that can be dropped directly in to babies’ mouth, or added to their bottle. This well-researched product is suitable from birth, and is used in neo-natal units around the world. Human clinical trials show that this product supports a healthy microbiome in infants. It also inhibits pathogens associated with common allergic symptoms, and digestive discomfort in babies.

Babies & Children comes in a handy sachet format with added Vitamin D, to be mixed with a babies’ bottle, or added to their food. This product is again suitable from birth, and is proven to support immune health.

Optibac Suitability Chart
Optibac probiotics suitability chart - click to enlarge

Fermented foods during pregnancy?

Another way to support healthy microbial balance in the gut is to consume traditional fermented foods, such as live yoghurt, kefir and sauerkraut. Most of these fermented foods are perfectly safe during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, although there is a slight question mark over any non-pasteurised dairy products, due to a concern over listeria. This is the same reason why pregnant women are often advised not to eat soft cheeses. If the dairy is pasteurised it is of course, safe to consume. Or there are plenty of non-dairy alternatives for raw milk kefir, such as water kefir, kombucha, kimchi, sauerkraut etc. You can read more about probiotic and fermented foods on our Learning Lab website.  

You might also be interested to read these other FAQs: Is Optibac suitable for children? and  When is the best time of day to take live cultures?

Plus, you can find out more about probiotics for pregnancy on the Probiotics Learning Lab.

Click on the links to learn more about Pregnancy, Baby Drops and Babies & Children.


  1. Elias J et al., "Are probiotics safe for use during pregnancy and lactation?," Can Fam Physician, pp. 57 (3): 299-301, 2011.
  2. Dugoua J et al., "Probiotic safety in pregnancy: a systematic review and meta analysis of randomised controlled trials of Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and Saccharomyces spp.," J Obstet Gynaecol Can, pp. 31 (6): 542-552, 2009.
  3. Prescott SL et al., "Supplementation with Lactobacillus rhamnosus or Bifidobacterium lactis probiotics in pregnancy increases cord blood IFNy and breast milk transforming growth factor B and immunoglobin A detection," Clinical and experimental Allergy , pp. 38 (10): 1606- 1614, 2008.
  4. BabyCentre Medical Advisory Board, "Probiotics and prebiotics in pregnancy," 2020.

This FAQ has been answered by Helen Morton, Nutritional Therapist DipION

"I usually get bad indigestion when pregnant. I found taking Optibac Pregnancy during this my fourth pregnancy. It really helped me through my pregnancy and I would highly recommend it to anyone who is having a baby. I found it to be brilliant and will be telling all my friends to take it when pregnant. I have also recommended it to my midwife." - Virginia